BEYOND the EpiPen

EpiPens, Benadryl tablets, and inhalers are prominent markers of asthma and allergies, invisible conditions which affect millions each year. This collaborative documentary photography project highlights the unique, multifaceted experiences of students with asthma and allergies through a partnership with the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). Inspired by the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique, participants captured photographs — with cameras or cell phones — that depicted their daily experiences. This project aims to foster empathy, awareness, and connection by providing insight into another person’s visual stories. Read more on the Duke Arts website.

All participants were asked a simple question: What comes to mind when you think of your experiences with asthma and/or allergies?

Click on each photograph to read the accompanying caption.

If you would like to participate in the project, please use the contact form below!

Supported by Benenson Award in the Arts, 2020

participant 1

Participant 2

participant 3

participant 4

participant 5

participant 6

participant 7

Interested in Participating?

If you are a student with asthma and/or allergies, we would love to include your perspective! Please contact us using the form below.