IMAGINE art + disability advocacy

After graduation from Duke University, I spent a year as a Hart Leadership Fellow and AmeriCorps Artist-in-Residence at Imagine Art, a nonprofit art studio for people with disabilities. I conducted research on supported employment for artists with disabilities, created my own artwork to advocate for this group, and taught drawing lessons.


As a Drawing Team instructor, I taught group classes three times per week and led one-on-one sessions. With my co-teacher, I designed a year-long curriculum focusing on drawing technique basics, the development of a body of work and business and marketing skills.


I created multiple art pieces highlighting the challenges faced by people with disabilities. One piece depicting accessibility barriers was published in Annals of Internal Medicine. I also wrote about accessibility issues, particularly the lack of sidewalks in Austin, in a personal narrative in Families, Systems & Health and an opinion piece in the Austin-American Statesman.


Through artist interviews and staff surveys, I researched the feasibility of supported employment programming at Imagine Art. I also evaluated the effectiveness of virtual programming.

Contact me to view the infographic and full report!